
2024 Tanzania Travel Advice: Is It Safe to Visit Tanzania in 2023? Expert Travel Advice

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Get expert Tanzania travel advice on how safe it is to visit Tanzania in 2024. Understand the risks, safety measures, and travel advisories for a worry-free trip.

Is Tanzania Safe? Essential Travel Safety Tips

Tanzania is a captivating country with abundant wildlife, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, making it a popular destination for travellers. However, before embarking on your adventure, it is natural to have safety concerns. This article will provide you with essential travel safety tips for visiting Tanzania, ensuring you have a secure and enjoyable experience.

Tanzania is generally considered a safe country for tourists, with millions of visitors choosing it as their holiday destination each year. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Understanding the crime rates, security measures, and general safety advice will help you better navigate your trip and make informed decisions.

By prioritising your safety, following the provided tips, and staying informed about the local security situation, you can confidently explore all that Tanzania offers. Whether you’re going on a safari adventure, exploring beautiful Zanzibar, or immersing yourself in the local culture, being prepared will help you have a memorable and safe journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research the risk levels in specific areas of Tanzania before planning your itinerary.
  • Exercise caution in crowded areas and popular tourist spots, as petty crimes occur.
  • Know the entry and exit requirements, including obtaining the necessary visa.
  • Consult a healthcare professional for vaccinations and medications before travelling.
  • Respect local laws, cultural norms, and traditions to ensure a harmonious trip.

Risk Level in Tanzania

While Tanzania is generally considered a safe country for tourists, it’s essential to know the risk levels in certain areas. Notably, the border regions with Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo have higher risk levels due to security incidents and extremist group activities.

When you plan your trip to Tanzania, it’s essential to take appropriate precautions and stay informed about the security situation in these areas. Travelers should consider the following safety measures:

  • Stay updated on travel advisories and warnings your government or relevant authorities issued.
  • Consult with local tour guides or agencies for reliable information on specific destinations.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel to high-risk areas, especially border regions with Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Please ask for guidance from local authorities or your embassy/consulate when in doubt.

Being vigilant and proactive can minimise potential risks and ensure a safe travel experience in Tanzania.

Safety and Security in Tanzania

In Tanzania, ensuring personal safety is paramount. Travellers are advised to exercise caution and remain vigilant to mitigate potential risks. Petty crimes, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, are more likely to occur in crowded areas and popular tourist spots in cities like Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, and Arusha. Visitors should also be on guard against bag snatching from passing vehicles, a prevalent crime in the country.

It is crucial to be cautious of violent crimes, including assaults and sexual assaults, particularly in major cities like Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, and Arusha. Additionally, travellers should be aware of organised crime associated with international drug trafficking, although tourists are seldom targeted. Following local advice and staying informed about the security situation are essential measures to ensure safety in Tanzania.

Crime TypeRisk Level
Petty crimes: pickpocketing, purse snatchingMedium
Bag snatching from passing vehiclesMedium
Violent crimes: assaults, sexual assaultsLow to Medium
Organised crime: international drug traffickingLow to Rare

By being vigilant, exercising caution, and following the guidelines provided by local authorities, travellers can enhance their safety and security while exploring the wonders of Tanzania.

Entry and Exit Requirements for Tanzania

To travel to Tanzania, visitors are required to have a valid visa. Ensuring you have the necessary travel documents and meet the entry requirements before your trip is essential. This includes obtaining the appropriate visa for your purpose of travel and complying with immigration regulations.

Health Information for Traveling to Tanzania

When planning a trip to Tanzania, knowing the health risks and requirements is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Please discuss your well-being with a healthcare professional and get appropriate vaccinations and medications before you travel by consulting with a travel clinic. 

One of the significant health risks in Tanzania is malaria, which is prevalent throughout the country. To protect yourself from mosquito bites and reduce the risk of contracting malaria, it is crucial to take appropriate preventive measures. These include using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and sleeping under mosquito nets, especially in areas with a high risk of transmission.

Also, taking antimalarial medication as your healthcare provider is recommended. They can assess your needs based on your travel itinerary, duration of stay, and personal medical history.

Drinking bottled water is highly advised to avoid waterborne diseases. Please be careful of the sanitation and hygiene practices of local food vendors and restaurants, and opt for cooked food or fruits that can be peeled to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Traveller Tip: Pack a travel health kit that includes essential medications, first aid supplies, and any prescription medications you may need during your trip. It’s always better to be prepared for any unforeseen health issues.

Here is a summary of essential health recommendations when travelling to Tanzania:

  • Please consult a healthcare professional or travel clinic for necessary vaccinations.
  • Take antimalarial medication as prescribed.
  • Use insect repellent and sleep under mosquito nets to prevent malaria.
  • Drink bottled water and be cautious of food hygiene practices.
  • Pack a travel health kit with essential medications and supplies.
Recommended VaccinationsPreventive Measures
TyphoidEat and drink safely, maintain good hygiene.
Hepatitis APractice good hygiene and avoid contaminated food and water.
Hepatitis BPrevent exposure to blood or bodily fluids and practice safe sex.
TetanusEnsure up-to-date immunisation, especially in case of injuries or accidents.

Please remember that taking proactive measures to protect your health will enhance your travel experience in Tanzania. Stay informed, be prepared, and prioritise your well-being.

Laws and Culture in Tanzania

Understanding Tanzania’s laws and cultural norms is crucial for a safe and respectful trip. Visitors should familiarise themselves with the local laws to ensure they comply and avoid potential legal issues. Additionally, respecting Tanzania’s cultural traditions and customs is essential to have a positive and immersive experience.

Laws in Tanzania

Tanzania has specific laws and regulations that visitors should be aware of during their stay. Some critical areas of legislation include:

  • Drugs: Possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment. It is crucial to avoid any involvement with illicit substances during your time in Tanzania.
  • Pornography: The distribution, possession, or production of pornographic material is illegal in Tanzania. Travelers should refrain from engaging in any activities that violate these laws.
  • Wildlife Conservation: Tanzania is known for its diverse wildlife, and the government has implemented strict conservation measures to protect endangered species. It is illegal to hunt, kill, or trade protected animals or their products. Visitors should respect these regulations and support ethical wildlife tourism.

Cultural Norms and Etiquette

Respecting the local culture and traditions is essential when visiting Tanzania. Here are some cultural norms and etiquette tips to keep in mind:

  1. Dressing Modestly: In Muslim-majority areas like Zanzibar, it is advisable to dress modestly out of respect for the local customs. This means covering shoulders and knees, especially when visiting religious sites or interacting with the local community.
  2. Greetings: Tanzanians value greetings and politeness. It is customary to greet people with a smile and a handshake. In more rural areas, a simple “Jambo” (hello) or “Habari” (how are you) is sufficient.
  3. Food Etiquette: When invited to a Tanzanian home or dining with locals, accepting food and drink offerings is polite. Using your right hand for eating is customary, as the left hand is considered unclean.

By understanding Tanzania’s laws and cultural norms, visitors can have a safe and enjoyable experience while respecting the local community and traditions.

Natural Disasters and Climate in Tanzania

Tanzania is known for its diverse climate and occasional natural disasters. Travellers must know the weather conditions and plan their trips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

One of the natural disasters that can occur in Tanzania is flooding, particularly during heavy rains. Travellers should stay updated on weather forecasts and avoid visiting areas prone to flooding during the rainy season. Visitors can minimise the risk of encountering such natural disasters by planning their trips during the dry season.

In addition to the possibility of flooding, Tanzania also experiences variations in climate conditions. Being prepared for the climate is essential, especially when engaging in outdoor activities. The country’s tropical weather can bring high temperatures and humidity, which may require travellers to take necessary precautions to stay calm and hydrated.

By staying informed about the weather conditions, planning trips accordingly, and being prepared for the climate, tourists can minimise the impact of natural disasters and ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Tanzania.

Need Help? Emergency Contacts in Tanzania

In case of any emergencies or situations that require assistance during your visit to Tanzania, it is essential to have access to the appropriate emergency contacts and helpline numbers. By being prepared and knowledgeable about these important contacts, you can make sure you’ll be able to help when needed.

Emergency Helpline Number

In an emergency, visitors can dial 112 and request the specific emergency service they require. This helpline number connects you to emergency services such as police, medical assistance, and fire departments.

Embassy or Consulate Registration

Before your trip to Tanzania, you should register with your embassy or consulate. This step gives them your contact information and help if necessary. It is essential to keep their contact details easily accessible in case of emergencies during your visit.

Tanzania Emergency Contacts

Emergency ServiceContact Number
Fire Department112

With these emergency contacts available, you can quickly seek assistance in case of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies during your stay in Tanzania. Stay safe, and have a memorable trip!


Tanzania is a popular destination for travellers; overall, it is considered a safe country to visit. However, it is essential to prioritise personal safety and take necessary precautions to ensure a smooth and secure trip. Following these safety tips allows tourists to have a memorable experience in Tanzania without compromising their well-being.

First and foremost, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks in certain areas and take appropriate precautions. While most of Tanzania is safe for tourists, border regions with Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo have higher risk levels due to security incidents and extremist group activities. Travelers should stay informed about security and avoid unnecessary travel to these areas.

Additionally, practising good personal safety habits is essential. Please be careful of your belongings and avoid showing valuable items in public. Pickpocketing and purse snatching can occur, especially in crowded areas and popular tourist spots. It is also essential to avoid bag snatching from passing vehicles, a common crime. By being vigilant and taking preventative measures, you can minimise the risk of becoming a victim of these crimes.

Lastly, staying informed about local security is crucial for a safe trip. Please watch any travel advisories or security alerts issued by your embassy or consulate. Registering with your embassy before your trip and carrying their contact information can also be helpful in case of emergencies. It is advisable to follow the guidance of local authorities, tour guides, and reputable travel agencies, as they have valuable knowledge about the region and can provide valuable insights.


Is Tanzania a safe country for tourists?

Tanzania is generally a safe country for tourists, with around 1.5 million travellers visiting annually. However, it is essential to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe trip.

What are the risk levels in Tanzania?

Certain areas in Tanzania, particularly the border regions with Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo, have higher risk levels due to reported security incidents and extremist group activities.

What safety and security measures should I take in Tanzania?

In Tanzania, exercising caution and being aware of your surroundings is essential. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching can occur in crowded areas and popular tourist spots. There is also a risk of violent crimes such as assaults, including sexual assaults, in major cities. Additionally, travellers should be aware of organised crime associated with international drug trafficking.

What are the entry and exit requirements for Tanzania?

To travel to Tanzania, visitors are required to have a valid visa. Ensuring that you have the necessary travel documents and meet the entry requirements before your trip is essential. This includes obtaining the appropriate visa for your purpose of travel and complying with immigration regulations.


What health information should I be aware of when travelling to Tanzania?

Travellers to Tanzania should be aware of the health risks and requirements of their trip. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or travel clinic to receive the necessary vaccinations and medications before travelling. Malaria is prevalent in Tanzania, so taking appropriate measures to prevent mosquito bites and taking antimalarial medicines are essential. Drinking bottled water and being aware of the hygiene practices of local food vendors and restaurants are also advised.

What laws and cultural norms should I be mindful of in Tanzania?

Understanding Tanzania’s laws and cultural norms is essential for a safe and respectful trip. Visitors should be aware of local laws, including those related to drugs, pornography, and wildlife conservation. Respect for local culture and traditions, such as dressing modestly in Muslim-majority areas like Zanzibar, is also essential.

What are the natural disasters and climate like in Tanzania?

Tanzania experiences certain natural disasters, such as flooding during heavy rains. It is essential to be aware of the weather conditions and plan your trip accordingly. Travelling during the dry season can minimise the risk of encountering natural disasters. Visitors should also be prepared for the climate conditions, including heat and humidity, especially when engaging in outdoor activities.

What emergency contacts are available in Tanzania?

In case of emergencies or situations that require assistance, visitors in Tanzania can dial 112 and ask for the specific emergency service they need. Before your trip, you should also register with your embassy or consulate and keep their contact information handy.

Is Tanzania a safe country to visit?

Tanzania is generally a safe country for tourists, but exercising caution and following necessary safety measures is essential. By being aware of potential risks, practising good personal safety habits, and staying informed about the local security situation, visitors can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Tanzania.

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Dink is a seasoned explorer with a profound passion for Africa, calling the continent home for the last quarter-century. From the vibrant cultures of West Africa to the breathtaking landscapes of southern Africa, Dink's journey is marked by an insatiable curiosity and a love for the untamed.

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